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Six Mobile Creative Ideas to Dramatically Increase Holiday Sales

James Riess
James Riess
5 min read
Posted on September 02, 2014
Six Mobile Creative Ideas to Dramatically Increase Holiday Sales

Brands are looking for the best ways to include mobile in their media mix this holiday season, but smart marketers know that simply repurposing existing desktop banners will not tap into the true power of mobile to drive holiday sales.

To follow are six breakthrough creative ideas to that will amplify user engagement with your mobile ad and maximize ROI on your mobile campaign.

1. The Virtual Mobile Catalog with Shoppable Video

For the brand interested in showcasing the latest styles in a highly personalized and interactive way:

Combine an immersive visual experience with highly personalized content to maximize audience relevance and engagement with the Virtual Mobile Catalogue.

Users can swipe through and view product imagery, descriptions and pricing customized to the their profile and location. For an even more immersive experience, brands can include “Shoppable Video” units, which leverage interactive overlays to promote engagement with specific products. Users can click through to a mobile site or app to buy on-the-spot thereby driving immediate sales.


2. Advanced Geo-Targeting

For the brand interested in driving store traffic to their location (and away from their competitors):

Use geo-location to target customers in close proximity to a your retail location or that of your competitors and engage them with a holiday offer and directions to the closest store.

3. Event Countdown

For the brand seeking to promote a big online or retail sales event:

Create a sense of urgency by counting down to a big sales event, such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Users can see how much time is left before the big event and can add it to their device’s calendar as a reminder.

4. Gamified Coupons

For the brand looking to increase sales during particular sales periods or with specific audience segments:

Combine the fun and engagement of gamification with couponing by allowing users to swipe to reveal a surprise discount coupon that can be downloaded to their mobile gallery and redeemed at retail or online.

5. Social & Email Integration

For the brand looking to deepen engagement or enhance their CRM efforts:

Integrate with email or social marketing programs to drive repeat engagement over time. For example, users could sign up for 12 days of holiday deals by entering their email address into the rich media ad. Once their email is captured they would receive the deal of the day for 12 days. Or users could join a holiday promotion by posting their favorite holiday pics to the brand’s instagram page right through the mobile ad.

6. Drive one-click sales

For the brand with large and diverse product portfolios:

Enable one click purchases right from the mobile ad, through a real-time commerce platforms, such as InMobi For Commerce (IFC). The selected product is dynamically displayed in the ad based on the users profile. Once the user taps on the ad they are sent to that specific product in the store’s app or mobile website. IFC retargets the user by serving ads of the same or similar products when they are identified on the network.

We invite you to contact InMobi’s Award-winning Creative Services Team to develop best-in-class mobile rich media experiences that are scalable across device platforms and browsers. Our in-house team partners with your agency to bring concepts to life through mobile media this holiday season.

Contact James Riess at james.riess@inmobi.com

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