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Developer Economics Report: The State of the Developer Nation Q3 2016

Irene Herranz
Irene Herranz
5 min read
Posted on August 26, 2016
Developer Economics Report: The State of the Developer Nation Q3 2016

We’re happy to announce that our friends at VisionMobile have just published the State of the Developer Nation report for Q3 2016 - the latest trends in the developer economy which you helped shape!

The report includes insights and analysis based on responses from over 16,500 developers globally across multiple research areas including Mobile, Desktop, Cloud, IoT, and Augmented / Virtual Reality, as well as Machine Learning.

It focuses on four major themes – each with its own visualization:

  • Mobile platform wars - The mobile developer population is shifting east and to Android. After years of stability, Android is now extending its dominance in device sales to even greater developer mindshare and priority over iOS.
  • Desktop and cloud developer tribes - There are strong correlations between desktop developer platform priorities and their choice of language on the server side. These illustrate how the developer population is split into technological tribes.
  • A new phase in the IoT market - The massive influx of developers to IoT in 2015 has slowed significantly, and developers are picking which vertical markets to target. Where are bets going to be placed as the market begins to mature?
  • Where are developers looking next? Augmented and virtual reality, and machine learning – are they just the latest over-hyped technologies or the next big things? The level of developer interest in both areas suggests the latter.

Insightful Key Highlights:

  • Leaping to a new record for any platform since they started measuring, Android now has 79% mindshare amongst mobile developers
  • 47% of professional developers now consider Android their primary platform, up 7 percentage points in the last 6 months
  • Nearly 23% of developers are already involved in either AR or VR development, most of those as a hobby or side project
  • An amazing 41% of developers are involved in data science or machine learning in some way, 33% of those in a professional capacity

The report is aimed at helping you gain insight into the latest trends in development and what sparks them, discover where you stand among other developers, as well as make important decisions about tools, platforms and programming languages.

The full report is available for download here, enjoy your own copy now!

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