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2017 State of App Performance Marketing Survey Result: Part 1 - App Marketer Characteristics

Shamala DN
Shamala DN
5 min read
Posted on September 11, 2017
2017 State of App Performance Marketing Survey Result: Part 1 - App Marketer Characteristics

At InMobi, we recently conducted a quantitative survey to explore what app marketers are thinking and how they are strengthening their app’s success. The idea was to address the lack of industry level data on app performance marketing trends and strategies, giving marketing leaders a sense of peer perspective on the questions they are likely to face.

This blog is the first of a five-part series outlining some of the key insights from this survey, and what it might mean for the app world. This first post will highlight the insights from marketers’ self-assessments, perspectives on their teams, their goals/objectives, as well as key marketing & advertising challenges they face.

If you haven't had a chance to read this comprehensive report yet, download it now to learn what 800+ app marketers had to say about their strategy, priorities and innovative solutions to the biggest app marketing challenges.

Marketer Profile: Pioneers in a Dynamic Environment

  • While app marketing is a relatively new discipline, its challenges are unique. 65% of those surveyed opined that they have 4 years or less of mobile app experience and are successful. This is a testament to the strength and passion of app business leaders. App marketers do not tend to define themselves as experts. In a constantly evolving industry with new strategies and tactics to learn every day, only a handful of marketers call themselves app marketing experts (14%).

Big Goals – Lean Teams

  • 65% of the survey respondent’s teams comprised of five people or less. App marketing teams tend to be quite compact, and typically compete in an increasingly crowded market. This despite the growing share of revenue that apps contribute in the overall revenue mix for many companies.

Mobile App Marketing Goals: User Acquisition Tops the List

  • User acquisition is vital for the success of any new mobile app. In fact, 70% of app marketers consider it to be the most important app marketing goal
  • Next in line is user engagement & retention. This involves building a relationship with the users you have acquired such that in moments of their need, your app is what they recall and turn towards.

InMobi's State of App Performance Survey Report

User Retention & Engagement a Major Marketing Challenge for App Developers

  • 55% of the respondents stated that User retention & engagement is the biggest marketing challenge they face. User retention rates decline with time, thus reducing the impact of app monetization efforts.
  • App discoverability is the second toughest problem, with nearly half the survey respondents facing trouble raising awareness for the app.

Attribution, Ad Block & Ad Fraud Are Key Issues/Concerns Facing In-app Advertising

  • When asked about the key issues/concerns facing in-app advertising, the top three were: Attribution (48%), Ad Fraud (41%) & Ad blocking (36%)

These are just a few of the many insights unearthed through the analysis of our survey. The report offers an eye-opening look at the challenges in 2017, and what lies ahead.

Download this special guide and see what challenges and opportunities may be in store for your app business!

InMobi's State of App Performance Survey Infographic

Stay tuned for the next part of this series, to be posted next week.

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