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How To Stop Bad Ads In Mobile Apps: New Guidance from GeoEdge and InMobi

Matt Kaplan
Matt Kaplan
3 min read
Posted on December 13, 2021
How To Stop Bad Ads In Mobile Apps: New Guidance from GeoEdge and InMobi

What can app publishers and developers do to stop bad ads from appearing in their apps? For guidance on how to keep fraudulent ads and bad actors at bay, be sure to download your copy of our new guide that we created with our partners at GeoEdge, How To Fight Bad Ads


Here’s what you can expect to find in this eBook: 

  • Defining Bad Ads 
  • Why Are Bad Ads Problematic? 
  • How Prevalent Are Bad Ads? 
  • How To Stop Bad Ads 
  • How To Keep Bad Ads At Bay Over Time 
  • Charting The Future Of The Fight Against Bad Ads 


How Mobile App Publishers Should Think About Bad Ads 

While ad blockers exist to block pop-up ads and other more annoying ad formats in the Chrome browser and elsewhere in the web world, ad blocking hasn’t made it en masse to apps on mobile devices — at least not yet. This is a good thing for app publishers, especially those that rely on ad serving to make money. 

But that means it behooves app publishers and developers to keep a close eye to stamp out bad ads in as close to real time as possible – and to keep removed ads from reappearing. Here’s why: 

For more insights on the current state of bad ads and what can be done to stop them, be sure to watch the full video discussion featuring InMobi and GeoEdge. 

And for even more insights, tips and advice, grab your copy of our latest eBook with GeoEdge that’s all about How To Fight Bad Ads


How To Fight Bad Ads: Guidebook Sneek Peak 

For a preliminary look at this new eBook, enjoy this preview! 


What are bad ads? The security experts at GeoEdge group bad ads into three main categories: 

  1. Ads that cause security issues (i.e., malvertising) 

  2. Ads that contain bad content (e.g., ads that are off brand, offensive and/or unwanted) 

  3. Ads that have issues with their specs or behavior (e.g., ads that auto-play sound, etc.) 

The dangers of malware are as old as computers themselves, but the concept of malvertising is a new one to businesses and consumers alike. While the term malware can mean malicious code of any sort delivered by any means, “malvertising” refers to the use of digital advertisements – including creative, tags and landing pages – specifically to distribute malware, often for financial gain. Malvertising is now a problem at scale. 

App publishers all know that bad ads can be a problem, but what is the scale of this issue and what can be done concretely to fight bad ads? 

This joint eBook from InMobi and GeoEdge will help mobile-first publishers and app developers understand the problem, know why it’s an issue and have concrete steps to take to prevent bad ads from showing up in app or on a webpage. 


Like what you’re reading so far? If yes, then be sure to download your copy of our new guide that we created with our partners at GeoEdge, How To Fight Bad Ads

About the Author      

Matthew Kaplan has over a decade of digital marketing experience, working to support the content goals of the world’s biggest B2B and B2C brands. He is a passionate app user and evangelist, working to support diverse marketing campaigns across devices.

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