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​Issues Media Planners Need to be Aware of When Buying Interactive Video In Mobile Apps

Joel Kirk
Joel Kirk
5 min read
Posted on September 05, 2017
​Issues Media Planners Need to be Aware of When Buying Interactive Video In Mobile Apps

Now, more than ever, people are using their mobile devices for every aspect of their daily lives. Just five years ago, adults in the U.S. spent twice the amount of time on their desktop computers than their mobile devices. Yet in 2017, the tables have turned. Today, U.S. adults are allocating 1.5 times more media time to their mobile devices than their desktops.

Moreover, when consumers are on their mobile devices, they are spending 90% of their time in-apps.

This is why media planners are buying up mobile video advertising, especially in-app. Over the last year, U.S. brand advertisers increased their mobile video advertising spends by 56%.

But if videos are not properly optimized for in-app play, media planners are wasting their advertising dollars.

Invest in in-app mobile video formats for up to 9x customer engagement.  Download the Guide: High-Engaging Ad Formats [PDF]

If you are looking to buy interactive video ads in-app, keep these guidelines in mind.

  • Make sure your video format matches mobile usage. Heed how your consumers are holding their phones: vertically. So design creatives in a vertical format, and don’t make users turn their phones to watch your video ad.
  • 15 seconds is the new max. Opt to shorten your commercial spot and get to your message right up front — ideally, in 15 seconds or less. In fact, 70% of consumers will not watch an ad that is longer than 10 to 15 seconds.
  • Non-optimized assets are a waste of screen space. Make sure all assets are clickable, readable, engaging and serve a purpose for a mobile device. Take full advantage of interactive ad formats that utilize that device’s unique features, like the camera, GPS, and gyroscope sensor.
  • Create additional engagement by adding interactive end cards. Interactive end cards provide a templated yet customizable rich-media experience for greater engagement, once the video has been completed. This ensures highly viewable and high performing video campaigns are the first priority but still enables the viewer to interact with desired brand actions in the post the video view. Click here to write the perfect end cards.
  • Invest in technology that delivers buffer-free video. A buffer-free (0.06-second) experience with the VAST standard gains higher performance than waiting for 2.6 seconds with VPAID, because your users drop off before several seconds. A shorter video creative ensures higher completes and better mobile ad viewability. Learn more: Read the “Doing Mobile Video Right” White Paper.
  • Videos can auto-play, but without sound. Audio is seen to be intrusive to the users. They should have the power to turn it on and off. That is why it’s important to make your ad engaging is from the top. It’ll encourage users to turn on the sound and listen to your message. Additionally, utilize a call-to-action with text included at the front of the video play to ensure users can see your narrative, even if they can’t hear it.
  • Create only high-quality ads for mobile. Users expect videos that are clear, well produced and conform to their mobile devices. You cannot use desktop technology or parameters for your in-app mobile video ad.
  • Use an MRC-accredited solution for in-app viewability. Measuring the impact of your interactive advertisements is crucial. An MRC-accredited solution — like an SDK such as the IAS or Moat integratration into the InMobi SDK — can accurately measure your in-app video performance.

Investing in in-app mobile video ads is going to help you reach a majority of consumers across connected devices. When you allocate your advertising resources to in-app video planning, just make sure you follow the core principles we outlined.

5 Highly Engaging Mobile Video Formats to Reach In-App Consumers

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