It’s that time of the year again. Back-to-school, preparing for Q4. This is a huge opportunity for publishers to monetize their ad inventory. While back-to-school campaigns are in full swing, brand advertisers have also started planning future campaigns for the last half of the year, aiming to increase sales during events like Halloween, Black Friday, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve. Holiday advertising presents a great opportunity for mobile publishers to monetize and take advantage of the increased demand queued up to flow through in-app ad exchanges.
However, it’s important to prioritize the right mix of supply-side platforms (SSPs) and exchanges to maximize monetization and reap the benefits from the last few months of 2022. Here are a few variables to consider as we dive into the last stretch of the year:
Diversify demand – We recommend that you talk to your bidding partners (SSP/Exchange) to understand the projected demand growth in Q4 2022. Your conversations must factor in the following:
Support for high yield ad formats – Ensure that you get the best ROI on the ad formats you support.
Universal IDs – App developers are witnessing a 15% to 60%+ (averaging at 39%) uplift in eCPM for impressions where universal IDs (think LiveRamp, ID5, etc.) are being passed in the bid requests. Hence, we would suggest you prioritize bidding partners who offer ID management features such as InMobi’s UnifID which allows publishers to integrate with multiple ID providers of their own choice.
Overall Yield – Q4, more than any other quarter, also requires close attention to yield. Having the right mix of SSPs and exchanges ensures efficiency by increased competition and improved returns between partners. We also have noticed that header bidding integrations help improve overall yield. InMobi recently partnered with Google Open Bidding which makes us the first in-app exchange to go live across all leading header bidding platforms.
If a partner’s fill rate or win rate is low, then you should probably reconsider their rank within your monetization stack.
For more detailed coverage, you can go through our InMobi U courses, which have been built to guide publishers on the best practices to improve in-app ad revenues.
If you have any questions on the demand that we have queued or expect to see in the last quarter of 2022 and beyond, please write to your dedicated customer success manager.
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