• Advertising

Three-Step Checklist to Making an Effective Mobile Ad Creative

Praveen Rajaretnam
Praveen Rajaretnam
5 min read
Posted on June 13, 2019
Three-Step Checklist to Making an Effective Mobile Ad Creative

“We all judge the book by its cover. The better the book cover, the more we believe the content is better.”

The above remark by noted UX expert Anton Nikolov holds true for digital advertising as well. However, there’s one catch.

If the expectations set by the ad are not met, then it will invariably lead to a bad experience for the user. Best case scenario, a poor ad experience will lead people to quickly dismiss an ad or quickly forget about it once it’s seen. In all other cases, a poor advertisement can result in a negative opinion towards the advertised product or even the brand as a whole.

Here’s a three-step process to making sure your ad stays true and avoids such pitfalls.

1. The ad should clearly state its objective

Why does the ad matter? Does the copy and design communicate clarity? Does it evoke positive emotions in the consumer?

2. The ad should deliver on the promised value and utility

It should meet or exceed expectations. In order to do this, empathy is key. “To understand and be understood” should be the motto of every advertiser. It’s okay not to get it right the first time, or for that matter every time. But the intent has to be there. Treat every interaction as an opportunity to get to know your consumer’s needs better. Arm yourself with data to help you in this effort.

3. The ad should delight the consumer

At the very least, the ad should make a positive connect with the viewer. Showing ads during the consumer’s “moments of need” is ideal. Identify such moments throughout the day using advanced prediction and targeting capabilities.

But how do you do Step One? More on that in our next post.


About the Author

Praveen Rajaretnam has over a decade of experience in mobile marketing and growth marketing. He started his career as an engineer at a cybersecurity firm, working on automation and performance testing. Praveen also started his own social commerce firm, heading marketing and growth. He spends considerable time researching anti-fraud methodologies, attribution mechanisms and real-time bidding technologies.

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