The mobile ecosystem is diverse and filled with creative minds who are passionate about apps. An average person probably pictures app developers as mysterious individuals hunched over a keyboard feverishly writing code … code that has the power to run our lives.
The average person may have a set image of app developers in their mind, but the truth is more mundane. App developers are just like everybody else. They come in all shapes and sizes, cover a variety of ages and want to make money. And they are overwhelmingly male.
According to a global survey of more than 1,000 developers by mobile advertising platform InMobi, the average developer is a 31- to 35-year-old man with less than three of years of app development experience earning approximately $6,000 per month. InMobi’s State of Mobile App Developers 2016 report said that only 6% of developers are female and a mere 16% of all developers have more than five years of app building experience.
The survey focused on three regions of established mobile app development—North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific—with an aim to provide a snapshot of the current developer community. A total of 1,089 responses were received and the report highlighted a number of disparities within the ecosystem itself.