Asian Paints Encourages Millions to Stay Sanitized During the Pandemic
Asian Paints Encourages Millions to Stay Sanitized During the Pandemic
Asian Paints Encourages Millions to Stay Sanitized During the Pandemic
Identifying target audience, Engaging with customers, Acquiring new users

About Asian Paints Viroprotek

Asian Paints, the largest paint manufacturer in India, launched its new product line Viroprotek, a wide range of universal sanitizers and surface disinfectants, amidst the global pandemic. With the demand for sanitizers reaching a high during the lockdown, Asian Paints rose to the occasion in the shortest possible time and launched a range of sanitizers to keep consumers safe and healthy.


43 seconds
of maximum dwell time*
4 million
unique users reached in just four days
InMobi Case Study

"With the launch of the Viroprotek range, Asian Paints helped consumers keep themselves, and their surroundings safe. Together with Glance, they raised brand awareness during micro-moments - when consumers engage with content on their mobile phones' lock screens. The brand saw not only great visibility and reach, but also recorded great engagement rates on the content. The dwell times speak volumes on the interest generated among the audiences in India."

Kritika Beri
Kritika Beri
Integrated Marketing Communications Manager, Madison Media

The Brand Objective

With the Coronavirus outbreak, the brand decided to launch Viroprotek, a range of hand and surface sanitizers, to protect consumers during the pandemic and increase hygiene awareness among them. Asian Paints launched the Viroprotek range despite a heavily competitive market and aimed to drive interest in the brand during a vulnerable time. In this regard, the brand intended to leverage mobile to deliver the message to the user seamlessly.
The Brand Objective

The Solution

With 115 million DAUs and 23 minutes of average dwell time, Glance provides users engaging and immersive content experiences. With 45% smartphone penetration in metropolitan cities, 35% in tier II cities, and 20% in the rest of India, Glance was the perfect platform to reach users across India.
The Solution

Reaching Audiences with a Screen-Zero Experience

The brand doubled down on the visual storytelling narrative with two full-screen creatives visible on users' lock screens. This meant that the user didn't have to view or open the app to see the ad, enabling a screen-zero experience. With a platform that grabs the user's attention in the first go, leveraging Glance delivered a non-intrusive experience for the users.

Visual Storytelling Done Right with Immersive Creatives

The brand worked with Glance to deliver experiences beyond mere product display and took the leap to educate consumers on the importance of using sanitizers and disinfectants in the most crucial time across India through thought-provoking creatives. 

While the first glance was launched with the theme 'the guardian that protects your home' reached smartphone users across India at a relevant time when consumers were looking out for sanitizers, the second glance promoted an educational message to 'sanitize hands and home surfaces' by featuring their wide product range.  As a result of the campaign, Delhi accounted for the highest viewed glances, and Kolkata recorded the highest engagement rate of 67%. 

Campaign Levers that Optimized the Overall Performance

By optimizing peak hours and delivering the ad between 12 PM to 3 PM, Glance increased the Viroprotek range's discoverability. And through a direct-response CTA - 'Buy Now,' the brand redirected viewers to the Asian Paints website, where they could immediately purchase the product.

Ad Creative 1
Ad Creative 2
Ad Creative 3

The Results

The immersive ad experience on Glance helped the brand to achieve phenomenal results.

The Results
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