InMobi Delivers 3.6M Impressions and Increases Brand Recall for Salam
InMobi Delivers 3.6M Impressions and Increases Brand Recall for Salam
InMobi Delivers 3.6M Impressions and Increases Brand Recall for Salam
Engaging with customers, Acquiring new users

About Salam

Salam (previously ITC), is a leading Saudi based telecom provider offering next-generation ICT solutions for broadband, connectivity, cloud computing, managed services, security services, satellite services and internet services for government, businesses, wholesale and consumers sectors. Salam helps businesses be smarter, more digital, more integrated and secure.


Engagement Rate
Overall CTR (0.5% Global Benchmark)
InMobi Case Study

To promote Salam’s new mobile product, it made natural sense for us to partner with a mobile programmatic expert like InMobi to reach mobile-first consumers at scale. We required an innovative campaign to set our campaign apart, and we're thrilled to work with the InMobi team on delivering engaging rich media creative units — and the results are a testament to the overwhelmingly positive advertising experience had by consumers.

Ismail Albishi
Ismail Albishi
Director of Communications for Salam

The Brand Objective

Salam faced the challenge of promoting their new mobile product offering in a highly saturated Saudi market with an audience highly interested in data packages. They wanted to reach consumers interested in Gaming, Music and Entertainment, and were intent on showcasing the brand in a more engaging manner through an interactive Rich Media (RM) campaign.

Targeting a tech-literate audience in an advanced market, Salam needed a reliable partner who could propose an innovative solution within their specified parameters.
The Brand Objective

The Solution

Salam partnered with InMobi to develop an innovative Rich Media creative with a Fingerprint Sensor Unlock to complement standard banners. The RM ad unit featured an unlock function where the user can place a finger on the circle on-screen, unlocking the screen and revealing the Salam Mobile product offer.

The campaign targeted an audience 25 years and older, who interacted the most with the ad unit. They included Household Decision Makers, High-Income Individuals and Business Professionals, cross matched against the interest buckets of Tech, Gaming, and Music & Entertainment.

The RM ad unit featured an unlock function where the user will place a finger in the circle - on the screen, and it will unlock the screen and reveal the offer from Salam. This unit was majorly targeted to audiences in the 25+ age group who interacted the most with the ad unit, and had varied interests like tech, gaming, music & entertainment. The /lso household decision makers, high-income individuals, and business professionals. InMobi also conducted a brand lift study with InMobi Insights to measure ad recall.
The Solution

The Results

The campaign delivered a total of 3.6 million impressions, with a total unique reach of 1.07 million users across both Rich Media and standard banner units.

Users interacted extensively with the RM ad unit, with an engagement rate of 23.94% across 2.2 million impressions - more than 23 times the Global Benchmark for engagement, usually 1-2%). The CTR was 4.40%, which is almost 9x the global benchmark, and the Moat Viewability score was almost 88%, also well above the benchmark of 70%.

The Brand Lift Study also showed demonstrable results, notably around ad recall, brand preference and brand awareness - driven largely by men 35 years and above.

The Results
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