Mapping Cricket Lovers Across the Nation
To understand the various motivations that drive Indians to watch Cricket, the brand leveraged InMobi Audiences and identified the many avatars of the Cricket-loving audiences in India. Through the platform, Star Sports understood that Cricket lovers in India are predominantly Gen Z, millennials, and working professionals who love using Cricket and sports apps. Deploying location polygons around their places of interest, such as play arenas, stadiums, tech parks, and colleges, the brand could sync their real and virtual world behavior.

Capturing Audience Mindshare with an Interactive Experience
An experience revealing the many 'firsts' India has recorded overseas against strong cricketing nations can invoke the passion of cricket lovers across the country. However, to make this a memorable and immersive experience, the brand needed an agile, scalable, and intelligent integration that showcased different locations on the world map and the personalized highlights against each location. By intricately capturing interesting landmark wins on a full-screen interstitial, Star Sports gave a holistic view of the world map. The first card sends out an interesting message 'Experience Team India's first test series wins overseas,' followed by the CTA' Experience Now.'

Once the user clicks on the CTA, they can see the instruction snippet followed by the CTA' Close.' The snippet instructs the users to swipe on the screen to scroll to the next region and tap on the pins to see and listen to India's first win overseas. Powered by the advanced motion and voice technology, the interstitial depicts the inspiring details of the first wins across England, Pakistan, Australia, and the West Indies. The world map contains a landmark win for SA as well, where they play the video from the campaign #FreedomSeries featuring Ravi Shastri. Viewers who click on the CTA' Next' see the match schedule of the series that promises nerve-wracking Cricketing action. The final CTA 'Learn More' redirects the ad viewer to the Star Sports #FreedomSeries video campaign on their YouTube channel.